Sunday, April 20, 2014

Possible New Series/ Summer News?

Hey y'all! I thought it was time for a little bit of an update post to let y'all know what's going to be happening in the next few weeks on my blog.

First off, I'm considering starting a new mini-series on my blog where I post a monthly update on my life. It'll probably just be me talking about what went on in my life the month before and what plans I have for the coming month. I'm planning on posting it at the beginning of each month so that it doesn't interfere with my monthly book updates.

I also have a pretty cool project going on this summer that I plan on telling y'all really soon, and it'll include several posts in addition to the ones I already post. Y'all will love it for sure. I'll probably post about this on the first of May. If I do end up doing an end-of-April post, it'll probably be up during the first week of May.

I'm really excited for what's going on with my blog this summer, and I hope you will be too!

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