Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Ranking Project Runway Designers #7 [133-144]

Hey, y'all! So I'm back with the next post in my series ranking all of the Project Runway designers! As I said in the last post, this is a new 18 post series on my blog, with each post consisting of the next 12 designers. 

Here's my disclaimer once again: Any and all comments are my opinions on them based on the way they presented themselves on the show (and of course, the way the show was edited) and in no way is a reflection of how they are in real life. The way a contestant presents themself on a show, combined with the editing of the show, is not necessarily the way they are outside of the show, and because I don't know these people personally, I can only go based off of the way they were portrayed on the show. 

Also, I feel like this is a little obvious, but I'll go ahead and say it anyway. If you don't want to be spoiled for what happens in the show or what order people go home, don't read any further. Because I will mention what place the person got. And I'll be talking about All-Stars placings too, if applicable, so just bear that in mind before continuing to read on. So let's just jump right into the next 12 on the list.

144. Fallene Wells
Season 9- 15th Place

You'll find pretty quickly that this is the post of the "15th Placers." I think about half of the people on this post got 15th place, and almost all the others got somewhere around the same spot. This wasn't purposeful, but when people don't stay on very long, I don't have strong opinions on them and they wind up at about the same place on the list. That being said, I originally had fairly high hopes for Fallene. Her designs seemed interesting, but she ended up being a pretty weak competitor and was extremely unimpressive. And a bit overemotional at times. 

143. Simone LeBlanc
Season 4- 15th Place

Oh look, another 15th Placer. She was eliminated episode 1, so I didn't really have time to get to know her and therefore, I really don't care either way on Simone.

142. Emily Brandle
Season 5- 14th Place

Emily is kinda the same case as her cast-mate, Jennifer (from the previous post). She gets a little bit higher of a ranking because I did think that she seemed pretty interesting. However, she also didn't make it very far on a season that is way far down on my favorites.

141. Kit Pistol
Season 4- 8th Place

Once again, I simply don't have strong opinions on Kit. I don't remember a ton about her, but I don't remember loving or hating her. Season 4 is just definitely not one of my favorites, so people from that season aren't going to be super memorable for me. 

140. Malvin Vien
Season 6- 15th Place

Oh hey there, 15th Placer! We didn't get to see much of Malvin. This picture makes him seem super cool, but all I remember about him was him being a bit of an oddball and creating that really odd chicken costume. (Explanation: they were given a pregnancy challenge and Malvin created an outfit meant to replicate a chicken and her egg).

139. Angela Backskocky
Season 12- 16th Place

And yet another person who was eliminated in episode 1! Noticing a pattern here? I actually had pretty high hopes for Angela. After flipping through the portfolios online, I thought she seemed like she would be really cool. And then she totally bombed the first challenge. Oops.

138. James Martinez
Season 11- 15th Place

And yet another 15th Placer. Once again, didn't have strong feelings on him, and he was also on a season that wasn't one of my favorites. 'Nuff said.

137. Steven Rosengard
Season 4- 11th Place

I feel like a broken record here. I wasn't a huge fan of this season, and he didn't last long, so I don't have much of an opinion on him. 

136. Nicholas D'Aurizio
Season 8- 15th Place

Once again, I didn't have a ton of an opinion on Nicholas. He wasn't really on long enough for me to have an opinion on him. He was alright. I think if he had stayed on longer, I might have liked him. But I can't be sure because he didn't really show much of a personality so it's possible that he would have been overly quiet and not interesting.

135. Marion Lee
Season 4- 14th Place

When I first started watching, I thought that I might like him. He had a pretty cool personal aesthetic (kinda like Oliver Twist all grown up), but he just didn't have much of a personality. He was boring to watch, and his designs weren't much better.

134. Sue Waller
Season 12- 12th Place

I had pretty high hopes for Sue. She came out of the gate really strong and just came to a crashing halt extremely quickly. Because of that, she's unfortunately become pretty predictable.

133. McKell Maddox
Season 8- 17th Place

Poor McKell was only on for a single episode, so I don't really have that much to go off of. She seemed cool, but kinda boring. And I wasn't really a fan of anything that I saw her make.

So, those are the next 12 designers in my Project Runway designer rankings! I'll be back soon with the designers who got places 121-132! Who are your favorite and least favorite people to be on Project Runway? Let me know down in the comments!

Previous Post: Ranking Project Runway Designers #6 [145-156]
Next Post: Ranking Project Runway Designers #8 [121-132]
Check out my links below!

Thanks for reading! If you like my posts, I'd really appreciate if you'd subscribe/follow so that I know you're enjoying what I'm posting! See y'all soon!

Friday, May 27, 2016

Ranking Project Runway Designers #6 [145-156]

Hey, y'all! So I'm back with the next post in my series ranking all of the Project Runway designers! As I said in the last post, this is a new 18 post series on my blog, with each post consisting of the next 12 designers. 

Here's my disclaimer once again: Any and all comments are my opinions on them based on the way they presented themselves on the show (and of course, the way the show was edited) and in no way is a reflection of how they are in real life. The way a contestant presents themself on a show, combined with the editing of the show, is not necessarily the way they are outside of the show, and because I don't know these people personally, I can only go based off of the way they were portrayed on the show. 

Also, I feel like this is a little obvious, but I'll go ahead and say it anyway. If you don't want to be spoiled for what happens in the show or what order people go home, don't read any further. Because I will mention what place the person got. And I'll be talking about All-Stars placings too, if applicable, so just bear that in mind before continuing to read on. So let's just jump right into the next 12 on the list.

156. Shirin Askari
Season 6- 8th Place

I didn't completely dislike Shirin, but she definitely got a bit annoying. I'll admit, she made some nice things, and she definitely isn't the worst designer to be on the show, but she also wasn't especially great, and she complained all. the. time.

155. Louise Black
Season 6- 10th Place

I don't remember a ton about Louise, but I do remember that I wasn't a huge fan of her personality, and I didn't like her aesthetic much either.

154. Sarah Trost
Season 8- 14th Place

At first, I thought I might like her. However, I'm not exactly sure how to explain my relative dislike of Sarah. I definitely didn't totally hate her, but she definitely rubbed me the wrong way. I think that a lot of it was because her sense of humor was good at first, but I got sick of it pretty quickly. And her designs weren't that great either.

153. Hernan Lander
Season 13- 13th Place

Hernan was kinda a jerk and I didn't like his designs. And he complained a lot. Usually, I'm rooting for a specific designer to win a challenge. When he was on, I was rooting for him to lose every challenge.

152. Amanda Perna
Season 9- Eliminated in "final casting"
Season 14- 12th Place

I had pretty mixed feelings about Amanda. The first time through I actually liked her designs quite a bit. When she came back for season 14, I found her personality to be a bit grating at times, and I varied between liking and hating her designs. Overall, these split opinions just leave me feeling a bit ambivalent about her. 

151. Malan Breton
Season 3- 14th Place

I have such mixed feelings about Malan. His accent is absolutely wonderful, and his personality on the show was pretty alright. But some of his off-show antics were a little obnoxious. If you're unaware, he kinda badmouthed design programs and then turned down appearing on season 2 before eventually accepting being on season 3. It was a little weird. Maybe he changed by season 3 but it just put a bit of a bad taste in my mouth.

150. Jerry Tam
Season 5- 7th Place

We only got to see him for an episode, so I obviously don't have a ton to go on, but I remember him being somewhat unpleasant and that he made a really weird labcoat-like design. *cringe*

149. Emily Pollard
Season 11- 16th Place

Once again, not much of an opinion. She was only on for one episode and so I don't really have a ton to judge her off of. She was definitely over-confident, so I found it really hilarious when she was the first to go, but I definitely didn't hate her or anything. 

148. Kelli Martin
Season 5- 12th Place

I'm not sure if I've already mentioned this on one of my lists, but season 5 is one of my least favorite and least-watched seasons. Because of that, I haven't seen this season in quite a while and I don't remember some of the shorter-lasting personalities on the show. And she just didn't really make much of an impact. In my very vague memories of her, I didn't particularly like her. I don't think I necessarily disliked her, but she definitely wasn't anywhere near a favorite. 

147. Jefferson Musanda
Season 13- 16th Place

Jefferson left me with basically no impact or impression about him. I didn't care about him, and I don't remember him a ton. That's what happens when you're only on for one episode.

146. Jennifer Diedrich
Season 5- 13th Place

We have now officially ventured into the section of the list where I have a very "meh" feeling about pretty much everyone. I don't really have too much of an opinion on Jennifer, because her season isn't one of my faves, and she got out really quickly... plus, she just wasn't very memorable, because she was kinda bland.

145. Alexandra Vidal
Season 1- 7th Place

I feel like all we really learned about Alexandra in season 1 was that she was pretty. Like I have no idea what her aesthetic is. She made it a little ways through the show, but not super far. Like I said, I have pretty meh feelings toward most of these people who are in this post.

So, those are the next 12 designers in my Project Runway designer rankings! I'll be back soon with the designers who got places 133-144! Who are your favorite and least favorite people to be on Project Runway? Let me know down in the comments!

Previous Post: Ranking Project Runway Designers #5 [157-168]
Next Post: Ranking Project Runway Designers #7 [133-144]
Check out my links below!

Thanks for reading! If you like my posts, I'd really appreciate if you'd subscribe/follow so that I know you're enjoying what I'm posting! See y'all soon!

Friday, May 20, 2016

Ranking Project Runway Designers #5 [157-168]

Hey, y'all! So I'm back with the next post in my series ranking all of the Project Runway designers! As I said in the last post, this is a new 18 post series on my blog, with each post consisting of the next 12 designers. 

Here's my disclaimer once again: Any and all comments are my opinions on them based on the way they presented themselves on the show (and of course, the way the show was edited) and in no way is a reflection of how they are in real life. The way a contestant presents themself on a show, combined with the editing of the show, is not necessarily the way they are outside of the show, and because I don't know these people personally, I can only go based off of the way they were portrayed on the show. 

Also, I feel like this is a little obvious, but I'll go ahead and say it anyway. If you don't want to be spoiled for what happens in the show or what order people go home, don't read any further. Because I will mention what place the person got. And I'll be talking about All-Stars placings too, if applicable, so just bear that in mind before continuing to read on. So let's just jump right into the next 12 on the list.

We've moved into the "mostly apathetic, but mildly negative" section, AKA people that I don't really have much of an opinion on, but if anything, have a mild dislike for. So apologies if I don't have too much to say about these people. 

168. Mario Cadenas
Season 1- 11th Place

Mario was an interesting one. The first time I watched the show, I found myself torn between liking him and disliking him. On the one hand, I tend to be drawn to people who are lackadaisical and don't stress out about situations, but on the other hand, he just didn't really seem to care in the slightest, and that was a bit of a turn-off for me, since Project Runway was a major opportunity and he just didn't seem to care. Either way, these mixed feelings got him here on this list.

167. Qristyl Frazier
Season 6- 13th Place

Quite honestly, I don't remember a ton about Qristyl. I remember that she was a bit obnoxious on a team challenge and that she ended up getting eliminated pretty early. Season 6 is a real low point for Project Runway and the fact that she couldn't make it past 13th place on what is arguably PR's weakest season is pretty disappointing. And she was pretty disagreeable to boot. Bad combo.

166. Joseph Charles Poli
Season 14- 9th Place

I had some pretty high hopes for Joseph in the pre-season for season 14. I remember thinking that his designs were a bit minimalist, but I liked them because they seemed like the good kind of simple. However, his personality wasn't really that likable, and I remember him not making anything very interesting on the show. Huge disappointment.

165. Bert Keeter
Season 9- 6th Place

I had some pretty mixed feelings about Bert. At the beginning of the season, the editing pretty much conditioned us to hate him, but he became a little more agreeable as the season continued. However, I never fully came to like him or his aesthetic, so he lands in this area. 

164. Richard Hallmarq
Season 11- 6th Place

Oh, Richard. Richard was a lot to handle. At times annoying, at other times slightly endearingly annoying. But I also didn't like his (usually over the top) aesthetic, so he winds up here.

163. Johnny Sakalis
Season 6- 12th Place

I actually (mostly) liked Johnny... but then that episode happened where he was eliminated. He started lying on the runway, making up stuff about his look, and all this random, really weird stuff. I just don't even know why that happened, but it was really unprofessional and frustrating. And unfortunately, that experience kinda tainted my entire view of him.

162. Jesus Estrada
Season 7- 13th Place

Notice a pattern here, with people who I have mixed feelings about? Jesus seemed really sweet. But his designs were just... yikes. Poor kid was in over his head.

161. Gabrielle Arruda
Season 14- 13th Place

I remember absolutely hating Gabrielle based on her pre-season tour. She came off as a bit of a spoiled princess. However, on the show, I thought that she came off as intelligent and put-together... but just not quite ready for Project Runway. 

160. Laura Kathleen Planck
Season 9- 5th Place
All Stars Season 2- 6th Place

On paper, Laura seems like someone I would vehemently dislike. And obviously, since she shows up this far down the list, she's not really someone I particularly liked. But, I didn't hate her. She comes off a bit prissy at times, but on the whole, she was fairly likable and a strong designer. She's just not someone I personally jive with.

159. Janeane Marie Ceccanti
Season 7- 11th Place

I'm a very calm, cool, collected person, but Janeane almost gave me an anxiety attack. She's just a very nervous, very emotional person who wasn't super confident, and that's just not the type of person I typically enjoy watching. Plus, I didn't really like her designs. She seemed really nice, and I certainly didn't dislike her, but she was just not my people.

158. Bonnie Dominguez
Season 3- 11th Place

Bonnie didn't really make much of an impact on me. There were times when I found her mildly annoying, but quite honestly, I couldn't describe her aesthetic to you. At all. She made that little of an impact. Maybe ready-to-wear? That's about as much as I could tell you. She was just pretty bland.

157. Katherine Gerdes
Season 3- 13th Place

Honestly, I didn't really have much of an opinion one way or another on Katherine. I didn't hate her, but I didn't like her. I just didn't care. I actually got her and Bonnie confused with each other a couple times, which is silly because they really look nothing alike.

So, those are the next 12 designers in my Project Runway designer rankings! I'll be back soon with the designers who got places 145-156! Who are your favorite and least favorite people to be on Project Runway? Let me know down in the comments!
Check out my links below!

Thanks for reading! If you like my posts, I'd really appreciate if you'd subscribe/follow so that I know you're enjoying what I'm posting! See y'all soon!

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Ranking Project Runway Designers #4 [169-180]

Hey, y'all! So I'm back with the next post in my series ranking all of the Project Runway designers! As I said in the last post, this is a new 18 post series on my blog, with each post consisting of the next 12 designers. 

Here's my disclaimer once again: Any and all comments are my opinions on them based on the way they presented themselves on the show (and of course, the way the show was edited) and in no way is a reflection of how they are in real life. The way a contestant presents themself on a show, combined with the editing of the show, is not necessarily the way they are outside of the show, and because I don't know these people personally, I can only go based off of the way they were portrayed on the show. 

Also, I feel like this is a little obvious, but I'll go ahead and say it anyway. If you don't want to be spoiled for what happens in the show or what order people go home, don't read any further. Because I will mention what place the person got. And I'll be talking about All-Stars placings too, if applicable, so just bear that in mind before continuing to read on. So let's just jump right into the next 12 on the list.

180. Kahindo Mateene
Season 12- 15th Place

Very simply, Kahindo's designs weren't very great, and she didn't listen when people tried to tell her that she wasn't working on something very successful. I didn't like her designs, and I didn't really like her.

179. Cindy Marlatt
Season 11- 14th Place

I don't have a ton to say about Cindy. I just wasn't a fan of her or her designs! I thought that she was a pretty weak designer with a pretty weak personality. She didn't stand out, and her designs weren't that great. 

178. Jake Wall
Season 14- 10th Place (Withdrew)

I didn't really like him right out of the gate. He was primarily a menswear designer, but didn't seem to make very good womenswear. It was very basic and boring. And then, on top of that, he was super full of himself. And then he quit because of... his dog? Just... no.

177. Angela Sum
Season 13- 15th Place

I feel like Angela is the antithesis of everything that I am. She was super-emotional, really uptight, and a perfectionist. She basically fell apart at the drop of a hat. I just didn't like her, and I thought her designs were really boring.

176. Carrie Sleutskaya
Season 13- 15th Place

Her aesthetic seemed cool, but she was definitely really difficult to work with and was a bit of a jerk to most of the people that she was competing against.

175. Victorya Hong
Season 4- 7th Place

Unlike most of the people on this list, Victorya wasn't a complete jerk who was just really mean and designed terrible clothes. Yes, she was really controlling and had a tendency to be harsh, but overall she wasn't too bad. She's just totally not my type of person. Complete type A. Yikes.

174. Danielle Everine
Season 9- 12th Place

At first, I didn't really like her because she was just really quiet and had this really boring aesthetic. However, when we got to the Nina challenge, she was really hard to work with. I just couldn't find anything likable about her.

173. Julie Tierney
Season 9- 14th Place

The sad thing is that I actually thought that I was going to like Julie. She seemed really chill and cool, and I was pretty sure that she would be among my favorites. However, that just wasn't the case. She was really boring, and she made really terrible clothes on the show. Which was unfortunate, because her pre-Project Runway looks were really cool. 

172. Hanmiao Yang
Season 14- 14th Place

I had really high hopes for her. I thought that her designs were really cool, and she seemed to have a cute personality, but she ended up kinda getting the Ping edit. AKA, she came off as spacey, weird, and defensive in the first couple episodes, and then in a team challenge, she was hard to work with and a bit of a control freak. That was really disappointing for me, because she seemed to have a really cool aesthetic before the show.

171. Karen Batts
Season 12- 10th Place

Oh, Karen. Oh, Karen. I didn't totally hate her. She was a little over the top and exciteable, but I didn't hate her. However, I did grow to dislike her and get frustrated with her, because she stayed on WAY too long. I honestly thought that she was going to get eliminated in episode one. I despised her aesthetic. Basically everything she made was oversized/baggy but not in a cute way. It was unflattering and just bad.

170. Emily Payne
Season 13- 5th Place
All Stars Season 5- 5th Place

At first, I didn't really have strong feelings about Emily. I didn't love her, but I didn't hate her. But then, she kept on surviving on looks that I thought weren't good, so I got more and more frustrated with her. It got to the point that I really disliked her, until she was finally eliminated in the final 5. Honestly, I just didn't like her designs and thought that she got much further than she should have.

169. Anna Lynett
Season 7- 12th Place

My opinions on Anna aren't super strong one way or the other, but they definitely do lean slightly more toward dislike. She seemed rather in over her head and she had a very soft, somewhat weak personality and she just seemed too sweet and innocent. Plus, I was never a huge fan of her designs.

So, those are the next 12 designers in my Project Runway designer rankings! I'll be back soon with the designers who got places 157-168! Who are your favorite and least favorite people to be on Project Runway? Let me know down in the comments!
Check out my links below!

Thanks for reading! If you like my posts, I'd really appreciate if you'd subscribe/follow so that I know you're enjoying what I'm posting! See y'all soon!